So, here's my contribution: I did a little research about the geographic local of my partner (that map thing, I just love them) and incorporated that into my gift. Gah, I hope she likes it! Here's the wrapped package, all ready to head to the post office:
I was nervous sending this off into the world! Totally excited/nervous, like in a check yes/check no "will you be my friend?" sort of way! Dudes, I hope she likes it. A picture of the craft would really narrow down who its for, and she's supposed to get it Monday. Yay!
Now... what else has been happening in my world:
Crafting at work:
The month of March is themed "Travel With Books" at the bookstore I work at. BossWoman wanted map luminaria, and after some fiddling around I came up with these guys. They are fun in the window display, and generally anything involving maps looks attractive to me, but I think the paper needs to be a bit more sheer. Either that or the lights a higher power (ahem, fire at the bookstore, anyone?). The Christmas lights we are using just don't quite shine through the cutouts like I wanted them to. Ah well.
Also at work, we are rearranging and painting the back of the store to turn it into a children's section, with an adjacent break room/hang out and read space while your munchkins roll around on the carpet.
Reading, at home:
I just finished Mink River, by Brian Doyle, which I disliked, and then loved by the end. A nice surprise! More on this later, I think. ( And this weather! Again! Lets skip the part where it snowed like crazy for a while, those photos didn't turn out as pretty.)
I saw this post on Pinterest, and decided to make my own...
I think I like the final result... I'm going to have to leave them up for a while and think about it. I'll also have to get a good photo of them later.
Finally, in closing, a gratuitous pup photo, because she's the best: