Sunday, March 2, 2014

Craft Swapping and General Life

First off: I am participating in Amanda's craft swap!  Now, it was not the reason I started blogging, but the promise of new friends and treats in the mail was the impetus to get this thing off and rolling.  Thanks for the push, Amanda!  I should also say that I originally saw an invitation for it on Beauty That Moves, which led me over to Sweet Potato Claire.  At any rate, 68 bloggers signed up, we all made a homemade something-or-others for the blogger we were assigned, and now have either gotten packages or are waiting with bated breathe.  I am in the latter category and it. is. kiiiiiilllllllling me!  I have been stalking the other bloggers, oohing and aahing over the gifts they've been sending and receiving.  Seriously, stamps, knitwear, soap, snacks, jewelry... you bloggers are a talented bunch.

So, here's my contribution:  I did a little research about the geographic local of my partner (that map thing, I just love them) and incorporated that into my gift.  Gah, I hope she likes it!  Here's the wrapped package, all ready to head to the post office:

I was nervous sending this off into the world!  Totally excited/nervous, like in a check yes/check no "will you be my friend?" sort of way!  Dudes, I hope she likes it.  A picture of the craft would really narrow down who its for, and she's supposed to get it Monday.  Yay! 

Now... what else has been happening in my world:

Crafting at work:

The month of March is themed "Travel With Books" at the bookstore I work at.  BossWoman wanted map luminaria, and after some fiddling around I came up with these guys.  They are fun in the window display, and generally anything involving maps looks attractive to me, but I think the paper needs to be a bit more sheer.  Either that or the lights a higher power (ahem, fire at the bookstore, anyone?).  The Christmas lights we are using just don't quite shine through the cutouts like I wanted them to.  Ah well.

Also at work, we are rearranging and painting the back of the store to turn it into a children's section, with an adjacent break room/hang out and read space while your munchkins roll around on the carpet.

Reading, at home:

I just finished Mink River, by Brian Doyle, which I disliked, and then loved by the end.  A nice surprise!  More on this later, I think.  ( And this weather!  Again!  Lets skip the part where it snowed like crazy for a while, those photos didn't turn out as pretty.)

I saw this post on Pinterest, and decided to make my own...

I think I like the final result... I'm going to have to leave them up for a while and think about it.  I'll also have to get a good photo of them later.

Finally, in closing, a gratuitous pup photo, because she's the best:


  1. You live in Alaska, work at a bookstore and have a great breed of dog, you rock!!!

    1. Thanks, lady! Well, you have a great breed of dog, too!

  2. I was about to say something much along the lines of Tracey's comment. the working-in-a-bookstore thing alone is pretty awesome- something I think I'd love doing. and what a pretty girl you've got there~ so glad to have given you a gentle nudge into the world of blogging!

    I spoke with the person who got your name~ she sent it off last weekend and the postman said he thought you'd get it by Saturday (as in, two days ago). sooooooooooo I hopehopehope you get it today!

    1. Thanks Amanda! I'm totally used to slow mail up here, for a while they were sending our stuff to Juneau and back down because our post office's sorting machine was broken. I'm sure it'll get here soon!

  3. She likes it, she likes it! NO! She LOVES IT! Such a thoughtful and beautiful gift. We live in Goleta, and it's such a special place to us. We were away for 6 years and since we've come back we feel so lucky to live here. So, your gift really touched both my husband and me. I have them on our mantle. So...DUDE.....YOU ROCK! Big hugs and nice to meet you.

  4. Allison, I love the tiles you made for Cory, they are awesome. Great work.
